Obtain a valuation of assets

You can get an informal valuation by phone or email or a more formal valuation, such as a fully itemised asset inventory with accompanying report, from the valuation team at George Hazell & Co. It all depends on what you need.

You’ll be able to trust the valuation you receive because the valuer works to recognised UK standards and combines expertise in assessing the monetary value of buildings, machinery and other business assets with data collected from a number of sources. To ascertain the current value of an asset and prepare an accurate valuation, the valuer will:

  • Adhere to RICS standards for valuation of assets where they apply
  • Use extensive data – collected from George Hazell & Co ’s own sales information and other sources – on actual sale value of comparable items
  • Consider recent valuations of similar assets across the UK and beyond

Clients ask us to value assets for different reasons, and often we are involved in:

  • Insolvency and business recovery proceedings – to assess the amount of cash that selling assets might release for insolvent businesses or those requiring financial recovery/turnaround
  • Banking and asset finance – to identify the worth of an asset as security against a loan
  • Insurance and balance sheet valuations – to identify the appropriate amount of insurance cover or to show the current net value of plant or machinery for a company balance sheet
  • Corporate mergers, acquisitions and sales – to assess the current value of assets for sale and the asset value of newly created organisations